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IMG_3622I noticed some lovely blue flowers appearing in the lawn yesterday as I headed out for a walk. It reminded me that, despite the grey drizzly day, spring is upon us. It has been quite some time since I tended a garden. I haven’t been in the right headspace or had one of my own for a while now. Seeing the little blue flowers popping their heads out spurred me into action.


This is a new, to me , garden and I am not here full time as yet so whatever I do this year will be all about learning how the garden will work for me, how I will make use of the garden and hopefully I will create a place of beauty and tranquility to see me through to my twilight years. I have never been an knowledgeable gardener, I have been an enthusiastic amateur. I cant say that I have had much success in growing things but I do try.

I thought about Jenni and her explanation of the permaculture principles, in particular 1: Observe and Interact.   With that in mind and , because the day was drizzly. I decided that the first  job should be to simply tidy up after the snow has gone. This is the first time I have really had chance to look at the garden in the daylight without snow. It is quite exciting.

I wandered around and gathered up all of the pots

IMG_3676 IMG_3675 IMG_3674Found some treasures
IMG_3656 IMG_3662Took note of some of the plants that are already here

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And then I put all of the pots together in one place while I decide what to do with them.


At this point I decided my work was done for the day. It was getting colder and time for tea.

This morning I am taking note of the Observe principal in the Permaculture Principles. Do go over to Jenni’s blog and take a look, I am setting myself a task to learn more about those principles this year.

I am lucky because today the sun is shining, the church bells are chiming and Moo and I can sit on the (albeit now cluttered) terrace and take the time to observe how the sun interacts with the garden. So far I have worked out that it is bloomin hot out here and we are south facing. Hmm……… some like it hot!
